Monday, August 1, 2011

Example Through the Ages

"This summer I served at this camp that set my whole life into perspective, Camp Eagle, the most amazing Christian adventure camp. In these three weeks I realized that the reason I was even there at the camp doing what I was doing and believing the things I do today is because of one of my older sisters, Danielle Fisher. She has inspired me through the simple actions of her everyday life. She makes me think about what the Lord has in store for me. Honestly, she is the one that has really showed me who Christ is, what it means to believe, & how to make him a part of your daily life."
- Written by Alyssa, my younger sister.

This is a BIG deal to me. I am so blessed and humbled by this. I hope I am an example of truth, that life is hard and I am sinful and FAR from perfect but that I love the Lord and that shines above all.

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