Thursday, April 4, 2013


In college we think of things in terms of roommates. Things are divided by semester course loads, sure, but who you live with says so much about who you are, what others assume you're up to, and who some of the biggest influences in your life are during whatever duration you live under the same roof.

Keri, Ashley & I in the park across the street. :)
This past year especially, I have been so blessed to live with two lovely women who have really helped make a house into a home. We have endured some hard lessons, made some sweet memories, and ultimately, my life was made richer for getting to live life with each of them in the close context of our quaint duplex. 

Smiles come easy around our house. There is always someone here to share a hot meal, take a brisk walk, a friend to non-judgmentally confide in. I couldn't imagine a much better environment to call my own.

We even have a peaceful little park across the street. It is full of trees, a fountain and benches overlooking a pond full of fish. It's nice to slip on some shoes and jog over there to hang a hammock or walk the dogs. It was also a hot spot for this year's Christmas cards.

I can't imagine how different it will be after this summer when we've graduated or moved forward in our lives, facing whatever comes next for each of us. But I'll leave here with lifelong friends, which makes the feeling of home stay with me. Home is not a house but the people who love each other within it. 


  1. Funny story. Ashley and I are both from the great town of Bay City. I don't know her at all, just know OF her. Yes, roommates do say a ton about who you are. There are good and bad roommates, and it's great that you lucked out with 2 good ones.

  2. I definitely understand the thought of graduating and moving away from my roommates who happen to be two of my closes friends as well. You're right though, knowing they will be your friends forever is a great feeling.
