Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Living Now

"Patience is a virtue."

I like to say it jokingly. I like to say it out loud to hear it, myself.

I've got a newfound love for a song. It's lyrics go something like the following:

"Wake me up when it's all over
when I'm wiser and I'm older."

I don't agree at all. I don't want one moment to slip by without acknowledgement.
I don't want to miss this life.
I don't want to miss beginnings of sweet, warm, blossoming relationships.
I don't want to miss the small stresses of college that will indeed become ever smaller in the grand scheme.
I don't want to miss the dares or bucketlists or silly pranks.
I don't want to miss ONE SINGLE laugh or hug or smile.

So, I'll wake up early to be all there, at this point, right now.

I wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world.

Don't wake me up later in life.

Let me live now.

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