Reminiscing on this summer, I have learned many things. I decided I will make a list of the top 7.
1. To Laugh- I don't mean a small, silly laugh. I've learned to laugh from the deepest pit of my soul, probably obnoxiously loud, but when joined by others, just made to be even funnier. I know this particular lesson was actually rooted in one I have been incredibly focused on prayerfully for the past year-in-a-half. There is beauty in letting loose the things that get you down, to completely forget about them when in the company of good friends. Letting go of worries or burdens or stressful things in life has made the time spent with loved ones that much sweeter and full of life, because it isn't enjoyed through the lens of someone bogged down by others. I've learned to laugh with my whole heart because I have learned to be entirely submerged in the present moment without being caught up in the past ones.

2. To Rest- There is something overwhelmingly peaceful about escaping to a place without another soul in sight, hiking up hills alone or driving in silence to simply be still in His presence. I was constantly reminded this summer that despite the chaos of this busy life, I am cherished by the Creator & Savior of the world and He is near to me immediately when I call on Him.

3. Accountability- I have been blessed to have served as a summer Bible study leader at a local church, full of lovely women who asked hard questions, loved me/each other well, and taught me what it meant to humbly come before other Christian girls who are walking in my season of life, wanting to be openly broken with one another but undeservingly, redeemed by the Grace of God. It has been some of the sweetest moments of my life. God made those sweet girls the highlight of my summer instead of the vacations or beach trips that summer usually holds--He has given me a dose of contentment investing in the girls who showed up weekly to read, chat, pray, laugh, cry, and live life together with a common goal: Internalizing their identities in Christ.

4. To Be Grateful- I heard this idea presented in a sermon that people tend to settle on spouses who have about 80% of the qualities one may look for & it is when they go seeking for the missing 20% that trouble arises. While this specific analogy is marriage based, it works for life in general, as well. I think we spend most of our lives focusing on the 20% of things we do not have. We pray for specifics and we are upset when we believe that our prayers have gone unanswered. I have opted to focus on the blessings of my life this summer and have been graciously joyful over the things I had once overlooked that now, stand in the light. He is faithful through every trial, every lesson, every hardship of the past--He will be faithful, always.

5. Simplicity- I had a moment a few years ago when I went with a friend to the smallest town I had ever seen, never heard of, and stayed in a air-condition-less, one room cabin for a week. I learned in that week a few things that are still catching up to me today: first, how incredibly spoiled I am, without even realizing it & secondly, how sweet it is to get away from the busyness of online interactions, ringing cell phones, fancy restaurants, yes, even air-conditioning. It ended up pouring down rain, bursting lightning, and crackling thunder for most of the week but you know what? It was one of the fondest moments of my life to simply lay in the quilted bed of that cabin to read a book or silently watch the rain hit the glass window. I am reminded this summer how much simplicity can mean when we allow ourselves to be immersed in it.

6. To Hold On- The start of this summer brought much confusion and turmoil in my personal life, for so many reasons I may never be able to voice to the world. Ultimately, I have learned what it means to heartbroken and indecisive and hurt and lonely and strange. I've learned when to face things head on and when to let them go. But mostly I've felt the pain of others who have walked away or walked back in and instead, I have decided to enjoy the ones that stay and to stay, myself. We will let people into our hearts, into our lives, in on our secrets, into private sectors of our lives and it is worth it, even if they decide to leave. I have learned to pick myself up after unimaginable circumstances and then to invest in people I desire to be close with, despite the risks involved because it is worth whatever may come of it, every single time.
Mom: "Baby, this world is full of people who will willingly walk out on you."
Me: "...but how sweet it is when you let them in and they stay..."
7. Call Me Out- I was completely convicted (as mentioned in a previous blog) by Matthew 14 late in my summer Bible study, when Peter asks Jesus to call him out upon the water. I have been praying to be bold enough to set down my own desires, to listen to the callings on my life, and for courage enough to take hold of them. I want to be prepared for what God has for me and be desiring Him more than anything else, knowing my contentment and eternity is failed to be made full without Him. He has gently put my priorities in line this summer and now I feel free to walk in His light, in His Truth, and to be praying radical things, with Faith that nothing is impossible for our God.
So, as this summer concludes I am intentionally grateful for each lesson I learned, even the tough ones and cannot wait to walk into the next season of my life more prepared because of them.