As the new semester kicks off and we all settle into our individual schedules, I have a few things I want you to know.

I hope that our Thursday night studies are something you come to anticipate with joy. I hope to help facilitate and mold our time together into a safe place that you are free to ask questions without fear of judgement. I pray that you will come to know your Maker by communing with other girls that are actively seeking to know Him more.
I want you to know that I come humbly before you not as anyone special. My identity does not lie in a title that calls me a leader, but in this truth: I was once broken by sin. I have been graciously redeemed by Jesus who paid my debt. I am now someone who deeply desires to serve you in love.
I want to be open to sharing tough things as a means to empathize with you. I hope you will be courageous enough to meet me there in vulnerability, even when it's hard. I hope we can encourage one another, as we are sharpened into more Godly women.
I want to love you well as a sister in Christ, a daughter of a King, and a fellow college student walking in a similar season of life.
I hope you will set aside a block each week devoted to preparation to make the best use of our limited time. I need you to expect to be asked challenging questions, that spur you to dig deeper, that keep you passionately seeking Truth inside and outside of our time together.
Before I ask what's next, I'll ask what's now. I want to know what God is teaching you, what you are struggling with, what brings you joy in life. I hope Emily and I can learn to guide you in your journey of Faith and offer support in any way that we can.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you, getting to mutually grow with you, & to rest in the belief that God is in the midst of doing mighty things and this semester is no exception.
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