Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sweet Summer

I have never taken summer school before.

I usually go away to serve at Christian adventure camps that keep me outside from the time the sun comes up, back in later than its setting again. I usually travel away from technology, away from contact with the outside world, pack a headlamp, some chacos, a backpack bible, and get out of town. I love not being able to be contacted directly. I love being away, unreachable, for the most part.

When I think of summer I think of sunshine, cold rivers, tanned skin, hiking, biking, ice-pops, cave splunking, tubing, bible studies, good friends, starry nights, packed bags, flights, exploring unknown territory, sleepovers, laughs, learning new languages, traveling through more than 3 states in one day, fireworks, lemonade, swimming, going on random excursions, anything but textbooks and tuition.

I see everyone in this season called summer around me & surprisingly, I don't feel even the slightest bit sad about being in class this summer for a few short weeks.

Oddly, I'm stuck in this joyous place that has led me to discover new hobbies, expand my creativity, and to spend some sweet time making new friends or catching up with older ones.

Suddenly, I realize I am perfectly happy exactly where I am this summer, this semester, in life, generally.

Because there just comes a moment when you have to let go of everything everyone else seems to be doing to simply enjoy the moment YOU are in. That's exactly what this summer has begun as & I'm thankful.

Sweet summer, so excited for how these next few months take unexpected turns.

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