For those of you looking to comment for class, I wrote the four blogs below specifically for y'all, not this one, but you are more than welcome to read this one as well, just know, it is for my own safekeeping, not grading or grammatical error, nothing but having a journal to look joyfully back upon.
This semester has been a whirlwind of opportunity.
First of all, I got a Linked In account, which, for those of you unfamiliar with the site, is a professional website that allows for business networking and connections. My second day having it, figuring it out, polishing up my resume, etc., I had a breakthrough. I was asked to "endorse" a man I recognized from a Christian event I attended when I was sixteen. So, of course, I clicked 'yes' to endorse his public speaking skills because I had seen him speak. I wasn't expecting anything more than the small satisfaction of getting to encourage another, not even knowing if he would ever see the endorsement or what happened after that small 'yes' click.
A few days later I received a message from the same man I endorsed. He asked if I had ever been to one of his events, to which I gladly expressed I had. I shared the fact that I got to pass along some vivid messages that were illustrated within that event that had stuck with me to many other organizations/ ministries I had been involved in after.
This man happened to be the founder of that particular company. After that one small 'yes' click, we began a series of messages. He claimed he had a position to fill & I seemed to be a strong applicant. We set up a phone interview for my upcoming Spring Break. We got to talk through many details of the position and ultimately decided I would attend a more recent event to meet the team I would potentially become part of to see how I fit in.
Last weekend I went to that event. I was amazed at the enthusiasm and tricks they attempted to keep the message they were portraying so modern. The youthful audience loved it! I even loved it. They shared stories of hardship, of redemption, of purity, of marriage, and ultimately shared the message of how Christ's death on the cross has made us clean, as believers. After the show they prayed "THE prayer", you know the one. Next, they asked everyone who had prayed the prayer of salvation to step forward in boldness and accept a free gift from the event staff. Before I knew it, I saw hundreds of people pouring forward toward the stage. It was a truly touching moment when I felt complete assurance in my decision to pursue this organization. There was such power & spiritual movement in that moment of the night, that is being built up to be spread all around the world.
Now, as the applications probably pour in and the final decisions are made, I'm here waiting in complete security of God's plan for my life. I have been blown away with the amount of encouragement, recommendation letters, and sweet moments that have grown me to be ready for what has been prepared for my near future. I am also so anxious, thankful, and humbled that it has fallen so gently into my lap, so there was no doubt I'd recognize it.
I am constantly praying that when opportunities arise that I will be sure in my decision to mutually pursue them, that if there is even a faint doubt they would be taken away from me. I have found zero doubt moving forward in so many areas lately, even when it starts with something as small as simply, clicking 'yes'.
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