Sunday, February 3, 2013

Significant Moments

Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. 
James 4:14

I realize lately just how short lived things are: college, most relationships, your current roommate situation, the season in life you are amidst. Change is something we can always count on showing up, whether it's invited or not.

Really, I'd argue that nearly everything in life is short-term, quickly fading, & yet, still worth pursuing. There would never be any singular moment of significance if we didn't stop to enjoy the sweet simplicities that cross our paths, even if only for a moment.

So, I hope that wherever you find yourself that it's beautiful, simple, kind, sweet, adventurous. I hope your life is spent enriching the lives around you, making many new friends, & sincerely loving on others the best you can. I hope you do things that are uncomfortable and scary & discover the rewards. I hope you leave places proud of how you've grown, what you've been taught, the things you'll carry on with you as you leave & of the legacy you'll leave behind. I hope you are allowing your journey to unravel in more majestic ways than you could have imagined on your own. I hope that whenever you think you've got it all figured out, it gets shaken up and pleasantly surprises you.

Because most things in life are short-lived, I hope you ride each of them out to their fullest extent.

May each day be full of significant moments.

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