Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Traveling Bible

Upon returning from winter break and unpacking life in College Station again, getting situated back into the routine I'll find for this semester, I lost my bible. Sure, I have others but this one is so special, I didn't even realize it until I knew not of it's whereabouts how much it truly meant to me.

I want to fully understand the blessings I have in my life every single moment, not only upon losing them.

This particular bible was given to me in a care package by a group of campers I had the pleasure of leading for a week out at Camp Eagle through intense hikes, refreshing water rides, team building elements, and spiritually charged events/discussions. It is called a backpack bible for the reason of being small enough to carry with you at all times, even during an adventure. It reminds me of the things God helped me internalize in the midst of my time out at camp. It reminds me that life is an adventure that will be hard, challenging, and every day worth it. It reminds me that there is grace & boundless beauty after a steep climb, in the stillness of creation when I am still before the presence of His enduring Spirit.

I want to remember always that my road may take me alongside many people but that my adventure is ultimately with Him, alone.

This bible was opened to seek the Lord in some of my most trying days in college when I didn't know how I would make it through & in seasons of pure joy when nothing could be sweeter than the embrace of His perfect love.

I want my path to cross into the lives of many others and in it's wake leave a glimpse of sweet joy that is only known from the Lord's love.

This missing bible is covered in simple fabric so that it's contents are completely hidden due to a mission trip I took this past summer to communist Asia where the Gospel of Truth is not allowed to be carried about or shared freely. This bible has traveled and endured tough and wonderful moments around America and overseas. It has flown tens of hours, been translated into different languages, and still, it remains in tact. It is special because it reminds me of what God has done, what He has allowed me to witness, & gives hope as to what He is still consistently doing.

I want to be aware of how God is constantly moving, even if I do not understand it always.

So, after a few mournful days of having to pull out an older bible that reminds me of my youth group days and not much risky adventure, I went on a hunt for my beloved backpack bible & found it! 

I've had a string of moments lately when I think, this has been an exceptionally great day, & then I realize that the day has even more moments to look forward to because it's just begun. This is just the beginning of an entire new season & nothing is holding me back. I am so glad. I am so excited and I am brimming with the anxiousness of all the goodness still in store.

I hope the backpack bible is never lost again, only found in many different, beautiful places serving a greater good.

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