Monday, January 21, 2013


I have been slightly addicted to a book I've had the opportunity to finally read over this relaxing break: Wild at Heart by: John Eldridge. It's a nice glimpse into the root of a man's desires. It has biblical backing and tells stories of adventure and fear. I've loved it and have found myself reading it slowly (which, in my case, means it's a worthy-while read) not wanting it to soon end.

Tonight it talked a bit about the ways we let fear hinder us from what we were actually created to be. It speaks on the subject of readiness or the lack of. There are so many things we keep ourselves from doing, men and women alike, because we are afraid of not being able or not living up to expectations. We fear that we are not ready for whatever adventure may be awaiting us. Then, we also fear that when we do succeed we must continue to hit the ball out of the park again the next day and forward on.

To be less fearful, we must grab hold of being fierce.

I want to be a fierce fighter for the Kingdom of Glory, against the darkness of sin in my life and the evil that is evident in the pace of this world. I want to be fierce in the solidity of Truth not because I am well versed but because I have lived a story that He wants me to share. I want to be bold and lovely and patient, kind and abiding and worry-free. I want to be a fierce and sweet person that does not doubt that I am made in His image and called "good". I want to acknowledge my strengths and boast of the joyous freedom they bring and the ways they point back to my maker, your maker.

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