I cannot believe how fast college is flying by! Actually, I can't believe how fast life is seeming to catch up with me lately, things come and go so quickly. I feel like an adult for the first time in my life and I'm sure it has little to do with getting my over 21 license in the mail, all sideways and beautiful. No, it's something internal I've been feeling lately, whether it be learning to fall in love again with just about everything: Christmas, new traditions, lovely people, sweet friendships, laughing, snuggling, it's a good season to fall in love & it's always good to find as many happy things in life as possible. I have been enjoying all of these little things. It's been wonderful & I am very happy.
A few weekends ago I had the pleasure of attending the Harvey/Hampton wedding as two of our dear friends united in marriage forever, however, since then I have set my vision ahead of where I am now. I'm starting to seriously desire things that I probably shouldn't be too set on considering I'm a few steps short of having them & that means having patience for God to see them through. Once again I am reminded that patience is a virtue.
I want to graduate with a degree into a world with limitless opportunities to excel or settle down and start a family, travel, raise some sweet babies. I feel mature enough to truly internalize what it means to spend my life enjoying someone else and I'm anxious for it but it's not an ending & it's not going to be perfect. I want to surrender it to the Lord, I don't want it to be a worry of mine but it is a desire and I know it's of Him because when I dream up the man I would like to one day marry, I draw nearer to God. I trust Him with the most vulnerable places in my life, of my heart, yet, I struggle to trust His timing because I'm afraid that will mean more waiting. I'm still scared when I have absolutely nothing to fear. It's slightly ridiculous, but it's honest.
Do not be anxious for anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6
Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4
Sometimes I think things, Danielle, what are you doing in this season of your life? and then I wonder if I thought of that question myself or if God sent a conviction my way telling me not get ahead of myself, missing opportunities to do good today while I am in this chapter of life, even when it's hard, even when I have to wait to understand why things are the way they are or aren't.
I am definitely not standing on a plateau at this stage in life but more than recognizing that fact, I need to be putting my Faith into action, that's when God can use us and answer the desires we so desperately think we need, or satisfy us with something we never expected at all. Don't let Satan steal from you, be grateful for what you have now, don't put off your complete happiness for later when you have a ring or a significant other, or whatever else you think will be the solution in life, enjoy now, this may be forever it may all end soon, we don't know. Maybe I can see the light at the end of this tunnel, God works it all our for His good and I know my patience will not be in vain because He is at the ending and the beginning of this love story, He has it all in His hands and that is the most comforting, safe place to be.
Read Me!
"If He can raise the dead, and He can part the sea, if He can create the universe out of nothing, He can find you your husband."
-Janet Folger
Do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised. Hebrews 10:35-36
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