Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Finals Week Lag

I have been lagging with the extent in which I have decided was actually finished enough to post on this blog. I apologize for that. If it justifies anything at all it is finals week and I am preparing for many exams this week and next. Thank you for the patience and keeping up with me. I hope I'm not just talking to myself.

I have been, however, throughly enjoyed reading other people's blogs. Goodness, people are so talented! I have been excited to find and *follow* more blogs as I get acquainted with them. I look forward to keeping up with the gritty details of others lives. This is probably the reason I became a Communication major, I enjoy witnessing and being encouraged by the interactions of people around me.

Thank you!
Have a great day of beautiful weather. I drove by the ocean today and had never seen it so calm. Hope you see the beauty of calm amongst chaos today.

When my disquieting thoughts became many inside me. Your own consolations began to fondle my soul.
Psalms 94:19

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