Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tragic Thankfulness

Today as I was scanning through channels a particular show caught my eye: The 15 Most Shocking Violent Acts. And while it may seem disturbing, it was interesting to me how thankful those surviving these tragedies were to be just that, survivors.

Why must a tragedy strike for us to be truly thankful for what we have?

Why must we lose those we love and care for in order to realize how impactful they were to our lives?

Why must we take for granted each breath that we take?

And more importantly, when will we set aside ourselves to give thanks to the One who deserves all of the credit?

A tragedy should not be what turns our vision upwards. Our focus should be there everyday rather than only in times of need or weakness. Thanksgiving should be an everyday occurrence, not only celebrated once a year.

What are you thankful for?

Enter [the Lord's] gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations. Psalm 100: 4-5

Read that verse and remember that you have an Eternal life of thankfulness to look forward to, so enjoy and be thankful for this part of it too.

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