"Doubt, indulged and cherished, is in danger of becoming denial; but if honest, and bent on thorough investigation, it may soon lead to full establishment of the truth."
Ambrose Bierce
Ambrose Bierce
I recognize that having a little doubt is just an indication of the decision process of an intelligent adult, it's not something to flee from.
A healthy dose of doubt keeps us from rushing into potentially harmful things, like relationships or moving across the world from our families. Doubt keeps us on the fence, with just enough time to logically consider both options before taking the plunge into one side or the other.
That's the thing though, we run from doubt. We claim that if there is doubt then it must not be the right thing for us, not the "right" person. We think if we aren't 100% sure about someone then it is better to walk away than to take a risk.
I disagree. I say, everything good in life involves risk and if you aren't willing to pursue it when things are hard or when have doubts, you don't deserve to have it at all.
If you let doubt scare you away from something, if you refuse the attempt to shed light on the uncertain areas ahead of you and rather, turn back instead, you lose. You lose opportunities when you let the fear of confronting doubt stand in your way.
Because a little bit of doubt is good. Doubt is the security blanket between us and being overly exposed. Doubt is risky.
Every good journey starts with taking a risk.
Don't let doubt confine you.
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