Get inspired.
1. Never leave the house without clean teeth, you'll smile more, which will make you happier. Happy=pretty.
2. Find joy in the little things (they're everywhere)
3. Laugh out loud, a lot, even if nobody else "gets it"
4. Don't let petty things burden you.
5. Swing as high as you can and then jump, then make it a competition with a friend
6. cook
7. Talk to a stranger every chance you get
8. Tell people they're important and appreciated
9. Do/say things for the simple reason that it makes someone else happy
10. Do favors for people without expecting anything in return
11. Do zumba!!!!
12. Don't take yourself too seriously
13. Confess/own up to mistakes you've made & don't repeat them
14. Sincerely apologize when you need to, let go of the bitterness, it will set you free.
15. Let a child teach you something
16. Lose yourself in a good book (I recommend ANY Jodi Picoult read)
17. Sing every song you know the words to even if the car next to your stares
18. If someone cuts you off while driving, smile & wave (it actually feels better)
19. Get a puppy & keep it & let it love you & watch it grow & teach it right from wrong & don't give it away when it gets hard
20. Wash your sheets
21. Do something rebellious with your hair
22. Take an afternoon nap outside
23. Find the biggest hill you can and roll down it
24. Let go of your past, recognize life is short and embrace the present
25. Pray
26. Take a walk around the neighborhood
27. People watch
28. Give yourself plenty of time to get things done so that there's no such thing as "crunch time stress"
29. Let tomorrow worry about itself
30. Go on vacation to somewhere you've never been
31. Love as much as possible, don't be picky, find the lovable things in absolutely everyone
32. Challenge yourself
33. Forgive but don't forget
34. Forgive yourself
35. Choose your battles wisely (Will this matter in 5, 10 years?)
36. Take classes outside of your major.
37. Work for your own money.
38. Don't live an envious life, see the beauty in yourself
39. Trust that there may be pain in the night but joy comes in the morning.
40. Write your goals in a place you see every day
41. Cry if you have to, get it all off your chest but then, let it be done
42. Call your family & always say "I love you" before you hang up
43. When the hard things and the right things are the same, do the right things.
44. Don't let bad habits get the best of you
45. Learn the lessons you need and accept that you'll have to learn most of them the hard way
46. Get out of your comfort zone
47. Stand firm in your standards, beliefs & values, someone will reach them all, patience is a virtue
48. Be comfortable in your own skin
49. Meet people halfway
50. Surrender it all to God, BEST thing you can do for yourself, let it all go & know that He has your best intention in mind.
51. Don't ruin yourself playing the "what-if" game
I'm going to continue this list as I have ideas :)
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