Monday, October 15, 2012


"Oh, death, where is your sting?
Oh, Hell, where is your victory?"

I find it interesting that every single person enters the world through shrieks of pain & when we leave we find grace and true life; We find roads paved of gold, white pearly gates, where we meet our Savior, face to face. I cannot even imagine a place a perfect as Heaven. It's not a tangible idea to me because what we see here is so small in relation to the grand scheme of another realm.

Heaven has been on my mind a lot lately, not just because I devoted myself to a Jesus Journey (mentioned in a previous entry), but also because I lost a relative today. She was very sick with cancer- she had undergone chemo, radiation, lost her hair & her energy. "Aunt Tootsie died," as simple and as complicated as that. While this initially brought tears and sorrow, I was overwhelmed with the goodness of God's promise to save, to redeem, to grant life to our souls and found comfort in drawing near to that.

Suddenly, I realize that despite my pathetic attempts to mourn her loss, I cannot. I can't get beyond the joy of eternity, of a mournless, tearless, perfect place where cancer and disease do not hurt or poison perspective.

So while the darkness of death hovers over us tonight, the promise of hope, faithfulness, and eternity provides light.

Do not forget in the darkness what you have been promised in the light.
(Philippians 1:29)

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