I prayed that Ben would capture my attention and let me know it was God, Himself, speaking to me. I prayed that something, anything that could be spoken would draw me near and give me insight of the Lord's desire for me. I prayed that the sermon would stick out to me individually and touch every single person that would hear it in some way.
God answers prayers.
He answered the prayers that brought over 9,700 people to learn about Him.
He answers prayers, I'm sure of it.
Ben basically gave a shout out sermon to all college student everywhere, or students in general. He began with the question that we all ask ourselves at different points in our lives, "What am I doing here?" Wherever you may be, college, a specific town, a situation, a relationship, a crossroad in life, "What the heck am I doing here? What am I accomplishing at this very moment?"
I have been questioning myself a lot lately. With the semester starting up I have pondered changing majors and staying in Aggieland a little longer than expected or to tell this boy that thinks he has a chance that the Lord is calling me away from him & the sexual desires of his heart in order to protect my own, again,"What am I accomplishing here?" The more I try and swallow that question, the more roughly it goes down. I think we forget how valuable each moment is, how precious few we have in the big jist of things.
Last night was also Silver Taps, one of the traditions that brought me here to Aggieland. Students collect into Academic Plaza as the bell tower rings and cadets march slowly in to honor fallen Aggies who have died within the past month, honored in silence, darkness and a 21 gun salute, an Aggie is never forgotten. Seeing the names and class years of these students, 2013, my prospective graduation year, they never got there, picked Nuclear Engineering, worked their butts off and never achieved that diploma. "How much time will I have to accomplish these goals?" "What am I accomplishing in the mean time?" "For what purpose do I do the things that I do?" I've put a lot of emphasis on blowing through classes, getting that shiny college ring on my finger and ultimately earning that diploma to get a job and get on with my life. There's gotta be more than that, right? "What is this college experience meant to provide?"
So while Ben reflected on the verses reminding us to do all things for the glory of God, I reflected on the things I had learned in college that had absolutely nothing to do with tests or studying and everything to do with things the Lord needed to teach me in my life. "The more I look at what you've done, Lord, the more I know you. What will others know about me based on the things I've done here?"
A few solid points to be made:
--> Study creation in order to know the Creator.
--> Education is for exaltation, the grounds of your studies are purposefully showing you glimpses of God, fuel for worshipping Him.
Ben wrapped up by saying that we waste ourselves when we do not seek Him out through the things that consume us. We are meant to internalize not liking certain subjects or being encouraged in others. I, for example, really dislike math, even talking about math makes my head pound, one glance at a graphing calculator and I get sweaty palms, the whole sha-bang, but on the other hand, I love to write & even though it seems like nobody ever comments on these blog posts, I get feedback by words or emails or private messages. I am encouraged that the Lord has something for me to share and gives me outlets to do so that I enjoy and feel motivated to do. Ben stated that all that we study should tell us about our Beloved and about ourselves, God reveals Himself and gives us things we love to do to put it forth unto others. I love to write and I have learned that because of the ways of the Lord have been present in my teachers and respondents, God gives us joy in things He likes for us to do. Notice things about yourself that you do or do not live and figure out why, I promise God will be at the root of it because He made all and is in all.
Just as I may see a speck of uncleanliness in a glass of clear water, am I repulsed, similarly, to my own sin? We must turn away from the distractions and seek out the good of the Lord in all things but we must learn also in the process to figure out our true desires and loves that are surely for Him.
At the end of the day, that diploma is not my ultimate goal, the Kingdom of Heaven is. My goals are beyond the scope of worldly understanding and I need to be living accordingly to the longings, desires and joys the Lord has given me to better prepare myself for what is to come. You do too.
Do all in Jesus' name!!!!
"Higher education is for God's Kingdom." -Ben Stuart
In His name & for His glory...
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