Friday, January 13, 2012

Time Well Spent

My roommate and I recently ventured into a humorously, entertaining subject of how we like to spend our time, mostly.

I laughingly shared my theory that we, as women, often think of people we like (guys, in particular), as though they are always doing some awesome activity that we would have really enjoyed taking part in while we aren't around. We have this illusion that when those special people are not physically there with us, they are doing something really fun and we start getting frustrated that we weren't invited. This usually leads to the progression of bitterness toward this person and even insecurity as to why we aren't being included in daily activities.

Seriously, take it from me- women truly think like this, crazy, right?

Eventually, we get a text that reminds us that we are being thought about-- even when it's some stupid, completely inappropriate joke from some dude, we feel better, maybe, a little, because he gave us the time of day.
Or we console ourselves by doing something fun with our own friends & eventually forget all about you, until the girls start talking about boys, great, you're back again.

Let's be honest, ladies, he's not purposely excluding you, you are not made less for not having a boyfriend, and he is probably not actually doing anything cool-- you aren't missing out, except with the time you are wasting wondering about him rather than making the most with the people you ARE with.

You are beautiful, loved & desired by a King!

All beautiful you are, my darling; there is no flaw in you.
Song of Solomon 4:7

A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. All men will know that you are my disciples of you love one another.
John 13:34-35

Secondly, we briefly discussed our study habits. My roommate is the skip-class-study-all-night-every-single-night-before-a-big-exam-kind of girl, while I am more of the go-to-class-make-flashcards-and-look-over-them-a few-times-but-don't-miss-out-on-any-social-event-in-the-process. While she plans things around her studying, I planned my studying around my social life. This sounds crazy but really, I figure I go to class and take good notes, I rewrite them onto flashcards, this is a great review & if I don't know it through that, I wouldn't have known it anyways. I don't want to leave college knowing I had studied as hard as I could, those aren't the real lessons we are created to have here. I want to experience relationships, in every form and make everlasting ones, let some go, learn what I want and be a friend/form of encouragement to a lot of other people. I never want studying to get in the way of quality time with another.

That's why we are here, to form close bonds to others that may bring glory to the Lord in the process of flourishing. I'd much rather do that job. There is plenty of room for growth, I have been guilty of being the crazy curious girl when not surrounded by specific people, but I refuse to let the precious time I have to share with any other being go to waste. We are called to be better. Don't let your assumptions get the best of you. Just live & let live.

Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins.
1 Peter 4:8

Don't just pretend that you love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Stand on the side of the good. Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.
Romans 12:9-10

And since I, the Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash each other's feet. I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you.
John 13:14-15

May your time be well spent.

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