Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 6:34
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,
"plans to prosper you and not to harm you.
Plans to give you a hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11
I, too, have lived to endure many heartaches, much abandonment, had my trust broken time and time again, been walked out on, faced betrayal. I have a story that is unlike anyone else's for a reason. People would never know intimate details of it except that I want to share it, I want people to know they aren't alone in the bad & I want to be a small, humble reminder that things will get better. But where I've been, what I've lived to survive, it's not who I am. The bad things that happen to us don't define us.
Beauty lies, we can look like we have it all together & smile like everything has always been neatly kept or we can face the truth, accept the identity Christ gives us, seek it out in His word & share our stories.
Tell the tragic parts and then tell the wonderful ways the Lord has healed you and made you new. Tell the story of how the generation curse of abuse or abandonment or hurt was broken through you. Tell of endurance. Tell the truth without fear of judgement, without hesitance. Be vulnerable to be a vessel for our King. Let God be the Hero in your story, because through Him, all that bad junk that you've been gets put to rest. God wins & He gives your story joy and hope for an eternal future of true beauty. Don't miss it by focusing on all the terrible things that nobody should be forced to overcome, rather see the light & hold onto that.
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